Page name: Slave Hold Slave Masters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-11-08 02:26:33
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Slave masters

<-return toThe Slave Hold

User: [Gypsy Mystik]
Character Name: Caileigh
Age: appears 16, but is years older because of what she is
Race: Elf
Rank in city: Lady
History: Caileigh is the only daughter of a major noble family. Her mother died when she was a baby, and it is suggested that she was killed by either a slave or an assassin sent by another noble family who hates her family. Her father has continued to increase her family's status through money, manipulation, and trading and buying slaves. Growing up, Caileigh never really understood why her father or even her grandfather would side with anyone that would take away someone's freedom just to increase one's status or rank. Caileigh is a kind hearted, and wishes for change. Her father hates and treats the slaves like dirt, though he prides himself with owning an assortment of slaves. Unknown to him, Caileigh has treated the slaves better, and has tried to be friends with them so as to counteract what her father does. All of her attempts to show kindness to the slaves have not gone well, having been badly treated for far too long.
Abilities: racial, has developed winter like abilities (manipulation of snow, ice, etc)

User:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Elsaria Py'rell
Rank in city:Spy/seductress and slave holder
History:Elsaria was raised to be a seductress. Her mother taught her to use her body from a young age to gain information and power. She was taught by her mother the art of seduction and the ways of the succubus, she was also taught to never fall in love for it would be a weakness.
When she was 16 she came home from getting groceries to find her mother murdered, Elsaria swore to find her mother's killer and exact revenge. Since then she has been using her skills to gain information on her mother's killer.
When she was 18 she found herself falling in love with a young noble despite her struggles to resist. Though she tried to distance herself from the young noble he continued to find her and claimed he loved her. She continued to struggle with her feelings, even reminding herself of her mother's teachings.
Eventually she realized she could no longer fight her feelings for him and so she relented. Her love wasted no time in wedding her,though his father wasn't sure that their union should take place due to her coming from common roots.Eventually the father allowed the marriage and they were wed, she was happy for the first time in her life.
Her happy life was shattered when she came into her room to find her husband in bed with another woman. She took as much money as she could and left, swearing to never fall in love again, and not be distracted by anything.She swore to live for the revenge of her mother.
A few months later she realized she was pregnant. After the baby was born she took him to a family she had observed were kind and placed him on their steps. She had given him the name Adarias(meaning 'Precious light') and enclosed his name in an envelope to the family then left and continued her quest. Though she still misses her child.
She has a necklace her mother gave her and a locket with a picture of her son in it.

User:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Kale Harmel
Age:Appears to be 18 really older
Rank in city:Council member
History:Kale has lived in luxury and feels entitled to what he wants. He has little compassion for others unless they strike his fancy which is a rare occurrence. He admires the king but secretly he wants to surpass the king and become stronger than the king. He is responsible for his parents deaths in order to increase his position and power. He framed his brother so he would gain his father's title and fortunes.
One day he came across Silth who was unconscious and in dire need of help. Silth struck his fancy so he took him in and nursed him back to health. he is glad he did for Silth is loyal to him and only him. He has granted Silth the status of guard and slaver but in truth Silth is like a favored slave. It is rumored he and Silth are lovers but this hasn't been confirmed.
Abilities:Earthen magic

User:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Dracul
Race:Demon unknown to him he is half angel too
Rank in city: heir to the throne of the Demons
History:Dracul is the son of two demon lords. He was sent to earth to wreak havoc and destroy. He secretly has good in him but many believe he is evil.
When he was a young child he had a playmate who was a unicorn, and another that was an angel, when his family found out, they killed his friends and made him believe he had done it.
Over the years they made him believe all angles and unicorns were evil.
As he got older he realized he was not attracted to girls, this has made his family more angry due to their desire that he produce an heir.
He longs for the day his family will leave him alone
He has seen images of a young man that he feels drawn to as well as repelled from, unknown to him he is an angel.
Description: see images
One on top
Birthmark on his back

User:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Silth/ Sora
Rank in city:Lord/Slave trader
History:Silth was found by Kale and nurtured to health. He willingly began to follow Kale and serve him. He has no recollection of his past or where he came from, nor why he was injured. He has two sides of him. One is good the other evil. His evil side is Silth and follows Kale. It is rumored he is Kale's lover. His good half is Sora who seems to be pure. Silth tries to keep Sora suppressed.
Abilities (Silth): Manipulation and mind spells. He is good at charms and seduction as well.
Abilities (Sora): Healing and purification. He has the ability to cleanse the mind and body of ailments both physical and magical.

User: [Rice]
Character Name: Samuel Irving.
Age: 27.
Race: Unknown.
Rank in city: Con-Man.
History: Irving is an eccentric man with his head 99% of the time in the clouds. He is very wishy washy and tends to flit from place to place, he can never set his mind on anything and constantly changes moods. He's klutzy and ditzy and oddly 'girlie' and childish. However he is also very cunning and intelligent, when he sets his mind to something of course. Irving is the type of man the 'higher ups' frown up for lacking a serious side but also fear for his unstable nature, there is not telling which way he'll jump most of the time.
Irving has recently met the mysterious Lord Gwen who he has become rather attached to. Gwen is his self proclaimed boyfriend and Irving ofter follows the man around, talking loudly and basking in all the attention he receives. However Irvings intentions are not all 100% clear and he sometimes acts like he has something up his sleeve. And possibly a much darker nature hidden behind his cat like grin.
Abilities: Control's the atmosphere/gravity. Basically anything within 20 feet of him he can control the force around, meaning he can lift things and even crush thing by shrinking the atmosphere. His powers however are limited to objects, he can not control the presence around people for some reason. It's like their is some spiritual block which stops him being able to connect with it.
Image: <img:stuff/aj/87488/1269167497.png> He has the worst fashion sense in the history of clothes. His clothes NEVER match and always make him look like some crazed traveling salesman. He's weird looking and has a lazy eye. He has recently purchased the slave Crimson for no other purpose than to be his friend.

User: [Gypsy Mystik]
Character Name: Gwen
Age: Appears 24
Race: Elven
Rank in city: Lord under the King
History: Gwen is one of two children born to a High Lord to the King, the other being his brother and twin. Gwen and his brother were put through intense training in all that would make them great Lords as well as warriors of the King. Since the completion of their training, Gwen and his brother have become Lords directly within the King's court. ((More to Come))
Abilities: Racial; He is able to manipulate the elements of Fire, Earth, and Air, and he had a specialized whip made for his hands only that he is able to manipulate in order to make a whip of Fire, thorned vine, or chilling air;

User:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:King Valarian
Age:unknown appears to be in his 30s but he has been in rule for longer than that.
Rank in city:King
History: He was born the only child to his parents and when he turned fourteen he killed them staging it as an accident so he could take control of his father's business. Over time he came to establish his ruler ship and became known as king. He married a wealthy woman only to help with his rank and had Ian and Hellena he murdered his wife when she continually got in the way of his affairs and staged it to look like the work of an escaped slave.
Valarian is cruel and controlling. He has fathered several illegitimate children and only two legitimate ones. He hates Thorn with a passion not knowing it is his son. He doesn't take kindly to disorder and opposition, people that displease him tend to find themselves in trouble.
He wants Senna because of his power and body and also because he fears he will reveal the murders he has committed and people will rise against him. He has found no love in his life and thus is cruel believing he never will find anyone to love. He fills his bed with male and female slaves and even other politicians but likes males the best.
Abilities:manipulation and shadow manipulation. His other abilities are unknown but there are plenty of differing rumors. 

User:[Silver Moon]
Character Name:Solarias
Age:Appears to be 26
Rank in city:Lord/Prince of demons
History: Solarias was born the prince of demons and lived a comfortable life getting what he wants. He is not, however, evil as many believe. He has taken slaves and only acts cruel to them when his father or others that could damage his reputation are around. When he is with his slaves he treats them as friends and with respect.
When he grew to be around eighteen he left the demon realm under the claim that he could establish lordship in the human realm and learn more that would help when he became king. His father agreed to allow him to go but isn't completely convinced that his son is following in his footsteps and is afraid Solarias is growing too soft.
Solarias longs for love and wishes for a world of peace. In a visit to the demon world he spotted Seras and purchased her. He is about to collect her from the demon world and hopes she will be receiving to his kindness. He feels something toward her and is confused as to why these feelings are present since they are both guys...or at least that is what he believes.
Once he found a horned pegasus that was injured and took her in. He has nursed her to health and they are constant companions Hya, the pegasus it very protective of him
Abilities: Racial and healing magic. He is secretly a priest of a good deity.

User: [Rice]
Character Name: Seth Gault.
Age: Appears in his late 20's. (Real age unknown)
Race: Changeling. (only his superiors know)
Rank in city: Lord.
History: Seth presents himself as somewhat of a level-headed man, he is polite and well mannered and highly respectable so long as you aren't a Slave. He does not hide his contempt for slaves and considers them less than toys for his amusement. He takes great enjoyment in viewing arguments and violence and has a sadistic streak which, behind closed doors, is often reflected upon the way he treats his own slave. While Seth's expression never falter from a calm almost content smile his eyes are cruel and wicked, his abuse both physical and psychological. He seems to harbor no sense of compassion and is solely self serving, callous yet creepily cavalier about being so.
Seth is a Mercenary for the King, if the king wants someone captured, kidnapped, tortured or even assassinated his is one of the many people more than willing to follow such orders.
Kaia is his only and also first slave, she goes almost everywhere with him. Is she fails he is merciless with her punishments but however is she does something well he praises her and gives he rewards. It is unknown how much he cares for her, but it should be assumed its not a lot.
Abilities: Energy sourcing - Ability to draw power from large or small but abundant sources of energy, such as turning kinetic energy into physical blasts or converting solar energy into other forms. Sometimes based on proximity to source, sometimes stored for future use.
Image: <img:>

User: [Rice]
Character Name: Dahlia.
Age: Looks to be 7. (Actually 55)
Race: Human/something else.
Rank in city: Mercenary. (Works for the King)
History: Dahlia was once a normal child, drawing rainbows and unicorns, when she was kidnapped and forced to undergone gruesome and mutating experiments. Her blood and organs were mixed with some unknown source halting her age at 7 while increasing her stamina, strength, and defenses. Seen as a failed experiment she was handed over to the King who uses her as one of his Mercenary. Having lived over 55 years she possesses the mind of someone that age and is mature yet also stoic and serious. Having lived her life following orders she sees no reason to question them, she is a cold hearted killer and people often fall prey to her due to her looking like a child. She is jealous of all women for having grown bodies, breasts and hips, something she will never have.
Abilities: Increased body abilities, strength, eyesight, agility. She uses a weapon and is very skilled with it.
Image: <img:>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Name: Ian Harper
Rank in city: Slave holder. Son of the leader
History: Ian wasn't born so much as created. He was born the son of the king but died as a baby. Valarian used his magic to bring him back and he basically became a copy of his father, a clone. He holds only loyalty and love for his father and himself. He and his father have had a romantic relationship since he was little and he sees nothing wrong with it. His father encourages him to take what and who he wants as long as he continues to be his secret lover.
Ian was trained since childhood that the strong are the only ones who get anywhere in life, the weak are to be used. He has served and followed his father believing this to be the truth. His father trained him in everything he knows, as a result he is viewed as the second most powerful man in the city.
Recently while out in the city Irving came across him feeding on someone. He was in disguise and attacked and turned Irving. He wants to see how long Irving will last and views it as a social experiment.
Abilities: unknown, like his father's

Username:[Silver Moon]
Name:Lastov Kalthrow
Age:unknown but appears to be in his mid to early twenties.
Rank in city: Lord and chief slave trader
History: Lastov was a foundling. No one knows who his family is or why the abandoned him at the side of a road. The only think that is known is that even as a child he had an unnerving aura about him that made many unwilling to be around him.
He was taken in by the Kalthrow family who desired a child but were unable to conceive and raised as their own. He is unaware he is adopted and was raised with everything he wanted. He was raised by a family who loved him and he loved in return.
Lastov began to train to take over his father's business when his father took ill. He quickly grew in renown and expanded on his father's business, even the king requested slaves from him and he soon earned the position of chief slave traitor. His father was proud of him and passed away with the knowledge his son would be secure in his financial future.
He and his mother live alone and he has been providing for her and giving her what she wants. Lately however, she has been pushing for him to marry so she can have grandchildren. He is reluctant to commit and has tried to distract his mother when she brings the topic up.
Even though he has rose in fame and has anything he wants there is one thing he lacks that has caused him sorry, and that is friendship. He desires companionship given freely by someone who would give him a chance.
Abilities: necromantic and strange darker energy

Username: [Rice]
Name: Mankar Howe.
Race: Demon/Human.
Age: 44.
Rank in city: Lord.
History: Mankar is ever the diplomat and is incredibly stoic and cunning. He has a constant business like air to him and is annoyed by anything that disrupts his pattens, he is a solely logical person and believes in the cold hand of reason and rationalisation. He is not one to be move by romance of sentiment and finds such feelings rather disgusting and has in fact only ever had one intimate partner which results in his daughter Quinn.
Mankar is just as indifferent with Quinn as he is with anyone else but deep down does truly care for her and would bend over backwards if it made her happy.
Abilities: As a half Demon his powers aren't as prominent as the fuller demons, but that doesn't mean he isn't a force to be reckoned with. His powers are of an unusual taste and take many forms, but since he rarely needs to fight they are rarely seen. He has all the usual attributes of increased strength, dexterity and stamina and can use most of the basic magics. Mankar is much more akin with staying out of trouble though.
Image: <img400*0://>

Name: Quinn Howe.
Race: Human/Demon. (Though due to being a 2nd generation hybrid her demon side is very weak and makes up only 25% of her)
Age: 21.
Rank in city: Lady.
History: Quinn and her father have that classic strained relationship, they spend a small amount of time together in which most of the time neither say anything. He just tends to give her money so she can buy what ever she wants making Quinn quite the spoilt brat. She is all presentable and takes great pride in her appearance, however she harbours an inner tom boy that comes out in her fighting skills. Due to not being able to use magic very well she focuses everything on fighting with swords and is quite the warrior.
Quinn's personality is a little unforgiving at times and you really need to take what she says with a pinch of salt, she is blunt and to the letter and demands people talk to her formally. She dislikes being treated like a child even though her temperament suggests such a thing, and though a selfish and stuck up she is the type of person to stand up for injustice.
Abilities: She is a lesser demon by quite a large margin and finds magic very hard to use, she can only grasp the bare basics of it which doesn't get you far. Thus she has dedicated her time to a more hands on approach and is quite vicious with swords, preferably large ones.
Image: <img://>

Username:[Silver Moon]
Rank in city: Lord and the King's personal adviser
History: Xanskar was born into wealth and power. His father was the brother of the demon king, and befriended King Valarian and granted him some of his power in exchange for half of Valarian's soul. His father loved Xanskar and he initially was a happy child who cared for everyone he met, even slaves. One day he was with his father when they were attacked be demon hunters. His father died protecting him and he blames himself. He barely escaped and has since locked away his emotions and 'humanity' changing from the innocent child he was into the cruel young man he is today.
When Xanskar's father died Valarian allowed him to stay with him as his adviser and made a pact with him for more power. Each year Xanskar is granted another part of his soul and the soul of the prince. Valarian has also allowed Xanskar to take the souls of Valarian's enemies or slaves that he gifts to Xanskar. Truth be told Xanskar is the only one who Valarian truly fears and it is Xanskar who is pulling the strings.
Xanskar seems to possess no sympathy or compassion for others. He is cold and calculating each decision carefully and meticulously planned and coordinated. He takes what he wants and if others stand in his way he will ruthlessly slaughter them or use them to his own amusement.
Abilities: Dark magic and soul manipulation.

Rank in city:

Rank in city:

Username (or number or email):


2010-03-21 [Rice]: ....who knows...8/

2010-03-21 [Silver Moon]: ehh I guess i will post after all lol

2010-03-21 [Gypsy Mystik]: ???? What are you two talking about I'm here.... Silver you know I hate my computer... it keeps freezing on me

2010-03-21 [Silver Moon]: *hugs Gypsy* Sorry I wasn't sure if that was the case or your grandparents kidnapped you

2010-03-21 [Gypsy Mystik]: it's okay baby

2010-03-21 [Silver Moon]: ^-6

2010-03-26 [Silver Moon]: what do you think?

2010-03-26 [Rice]: ...he looks so cool o_o <3

2010-03-26 [Silver Moon]: ^-^ I love heise' work

2010-03-26 [Rice]: I like the fact he is seemingly attracted to Seras...but is all 'oh my' because he thinks shes a he XD

2010-03-26 [Silver Moon]: I know and to make things more interesting Solarias is a virgin and very innocent. He only acts cruel when he has to lol this is going to be interesting ^-^

2010-03-26 [Rice]: Oh my..a virgin..mwehahahaha *naughty ideas*

2010-03-26 [Silver Moon]: eeep <img:stuff/mood4-gif.gif>

2010-03-26 [Rice]: *crazed evil laughter*

2010-03-26 [Silver Moon]: *runs and hides terrified that she has created a monster through the creation of the game*

2010-03-26 [Rice]: *goes silent* Where did everyone go?

2010-03-26 [Silver Moon]: *peeps head from around corner* Don't kill me...

2010-03-26 [Rice]: 8D No promises

2010-03-26 [Silver Moon]: *hides again*

2010-03-29 [Rice]: Added a little to Irvings profile about meeting Gwen.

2010-03-29 [Gypsy Mystik]: awww

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